West End United Methodist Church

Elementary Leader Training

If you plan to lead in our Children’s Sunday Morning Groups this year, are you good to go? Do you have the tools you need to create an exciting environment, engage children, and create caring relationships with your group?

Year 3 of our Deep Blue Curriculum will take the children all over the world as they explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus through Bible stories and opportunities to serve as disciples of Jesus. 

Elementary Large Group/Small Group Leaders Training is scheduled for August 6 at 12:15 p.m. in Room 406. Lunch will be served, so please RSVP to Becky Peeler at bpeeler@westendumc.org by August 2. You will learn what is new in the Deep Blue Curriculum, how to use the technology in your classroom, and create the Large group leadership schedule! Dr. Leigh Meekins will be leading us.