West End United Methodist Church


Topic: Sunday Morning Classes

Cornerstone relies on scripture and/or topical themes to spur spirited discussions with the intention of deepening our spiritual growth. Though primarily a self-taught class, guest speakers from inside and outside the church are brought in occasionally. All are welcome in this class and accepted "as-is" in a spirit of hospitality and inclusivity. Class members are also active participants in the church's outreach programs, including Bethlehem Center, Habitat for Humanity, and Room in the Inn. The class consists primarily of married couples from late 30s to early 50s with children, though not everyone fits this mold nor is it a prerequisite. Class members sustain each other in joys and concerns through prayer and support. Fellowship activities include our annual camping trip to Pickett State Park, lively Christmas party, and pot luck Sunday brunch.


Midlife Adults Childcare Available



On Campus, Room 323