West End United Methodist Church

Let There Be Light

Speakers:Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon

Today is the first Sunday for our summer sermon series, “Rise and Shine,” examining a number of passages that offer light as an image of God’s presence and grace.  We are thrilled to be coming out of the pandemic, people in the pews again, and in this emerging the first few verses of the Genesis 1 creation story, when out of the darkness God creates light, is something we can understand.  But the story also shows the spirit of God brooding over the darkness even before creating light, telling us that even in the darkness, the creating God is present.  What does the phrase, “Let there be light,” say to us about God?  How do we become partners in this creation?  (NOTE: We are livestreaming both services, and we are returning by degrees to in-person worship following the COVID pandemic.  NOTE:  The video begins with the Children’s Moment, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The entire service is videoed.)


  • Genesis :1:1-5


Early Service Bulletin (6/6/2021)

Late Service Bulletin (6/6/2021)


Let There Be Light (Children's Moment & Communion Meditation)