West End United Methodist Church

How Do Jeff, Ashley and Henry Answer?

Ashley and I called West End our church home for several years before realizing what it provided beyond a Sunday morning service. When our son, Henry, was born, we became involved in a Sunday School class that transformed us. Through the friendship and service of the Making Room class, we experienced God in a larger capacity than ever before, enriching our Christian, community and family life immensely.  Henry attends West End Preschool, Ashley chairs the Preschool executive committee and I help out with the hospitality ministry. We love giving ourselves and our time to West End, as it has given us more than we could ever repay. -- Jeff Howerton

The 2015 Faithful Giving campaign is underway. 

We encourage you to make your 2015 pledge to the General Budget so the ministries of the church can continue to share the loving light of Christ! 

Pledge cards will be available soon, or you can make your commitment online at westendumc.org/pledgenow.

Commitment Sunday is November 2. Please prayerfully consider your pledge. You may present your confidential pledge card to God during Holy Communion or submit in the offering.