West End United Methodist Church

Volunteer for Room in the Inn

It's now time to sign up to help host our RITI guests this winter. You can sign up online or on Sundays in Reed Hall. 

If you wish to help with our care for the Homeless on Wednesday nights, you may sign up as an individual (please mark it as ‘individual’) or as a family or group, in which you commit to seeing that all the tasks are covered for one Wednesday night. There are job description sheets on the table and a member of our Mission and Outreach Committee will be available to answer any questions. Folks who help with RITI have almost always said they felt like they were the ones who were blessed. 

West End has been participating in this wonderful ministry since it began, over twenty-five years ago.  If you are new to the church, but willing to help, you will be paired with someone who has done it before.  Please find a date you can help.