West End United Methodist Church

Disciple 2 Fast Track: Into the Word, Into the World with Revell Carroll and Bill Walker

Disciple 2 Fast Track is an in-depth exploration of the books of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts. West End Members Revell Carroll and Bill Walker will facilitate this study. This is an excellent Bible study option for persons who already taken Disciple 1 or have engaged in similar comprehensive Bible study in the past. It is also a good refresher course for those who may have taken various Disciple courses. 

Disciple 2 Fast Track will begin on Tuesday, September 15 at 7:00 PM, meeting through the fall, breaking over the holidays, and resuming in January 2021. Participant will spend 12 weeks of in-depth study of Genesis/Exodus and 12 more of Luke/Acts. Participants will need to purchase their own participant books prior to class (approx. $30) and have a study Bible, preferably NRSV or CEB. Please try to register by September 1 to help with our planning.


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