God’s Green Earth: Practical Perspectives for Christian Creation Care
A Special Series Co-Sponsored by the Spiritual Formation Team and the Creation care Team - As Christians, we claim to live in God’s good creation. At the same time, we realize that the Earth faces unprecedented environmental challenges due in large part to human activity. What should be the Christian response? Join us for this 6-week Wednesday night series where we will explore the biblical and theological foundations for creation care, learn about ways to advocate for environmental sustainability, and discover practical tips on how to do our part to care for the world around us. Our series will begin with interactive discussions led by Matthew Groves, a teacher and speaker whose mission is to help churches explore the intersection of faith and science. (To learn more about Matthew, see matthewdgroves.com.) The second half of the series will include practical suggestions for advocacy and creation care. This 6-week series begins on January 16 and runs through February 20 from 6 - 7 p.m. Register below by January 14.