West End United Methodist Church

Raising White Kids by Jennifer Harvey: A Book Chat with Maggie Jarrell and Emily Robbins

If you are a parent, grandparent, or guardian responsible for helping raise a white child today, you may be curious about how to navigate issues of race with your young ones. Join Maggie Jarrell, Pastor of Children and Families, and Emily Robbins, Minister of Youth, as they co-facilitate a study of the book “Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children In a Racially Unjust America.” According to the WEUMC Anti-Racism Statement adopted by our Ministry Table, we are committed as a church to “work together in hope for the beautiful kin-dom of God to be realized among us.” Come together with other parents and caregivers as you seek to cultivate the awareness and skills necessary to raise anti-racist children who will seek justice and equity for all of God’s people. 


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