Summer Sunday Morning Series 2019 // When Faith Meets Science
Can science and faith get along in today’s world? How should humanity relate to nature? What should Christians think about climate change? To explore these questions using scripture, theology, and a bit of the Discovery Channel’s Planet Earth, join science and faith educator Matthew Groves at West End this summer each Sunday in June and July. Learn more about Matthew at
June 2: Science and Faith - Why Can’t We Be Friends?
June 9: Genesis 1 - God’s Ambassadors
June 16: Genesis 2-3 - Gardeners in the Dirt
June 23: Awe and Wonder
June 30: A “Natural” Theology
July 7: Christianity and Creation (guest speaker Paul Slentz)
July 14: Climate Change - What We Know
July 21: Climate Change - Why and How To Care
July 28: Future Frontiers in Faith and Science (guest speaker Brandon Baxter)