The Grinch - Family Movie Night
Presented by the Drama and Visual Arts Ministry in the 4th Story Theater
Children and their families are invited to a special screening of “The Grinch” at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14 in the 4th Story Theater. The evening begins with a short, staged reading of the original Dr. Seuss book followed by a screening of the 2018 animated movie. Grab your favorite Christmas PJs and bring a blanket and snuggle-up on the padded stage in front of a huge widescreen with full surround sound! Fresh popcorn and holiday cookies will be served. Admission is free. Childcare will be provided for those too young to attend at no charge, but prior registration is required. To register for childcare, please contact John McGuire at Runtime is about 2 hours for the reading and film.