West End United Methodist Church

Trust Fall

Speakers:Anna Bigelow, Hilde Medovich, RJ Gilliland
Topics:Sunday service

Today is our annual Youth Sunday when members of West End’s youth group design and run the services.  Two seniors, Hilde Medovich and RJ Gilliland deliver the sermon, Anna Bigelow does the Children’s Moment, the Youth Vocal Ensemble and Youth Bell Choir provide music, and all the liturgists are West End youth.   Trust/Fall is the focus, a theme rooted in John 20.19-31.  RJ and Hilde each tell about their church and youth group experiences, and they describe their growth in faith through their years.  Each related to the doubts of Thomas in the scripture passage from John. We do not get to feel the nail scars in the hands, so how is our faith grounded?  We must see and feel the love of God and those around us, and we experience it much like a Trust/Fall exercise.  (NOTE: The video begins with the Children’s Moment, but once it starts you can scroll back to the beginning of the service if you want.  The entire service is videoed.)


  • John :20:19-31


Early Service Bulletin (4/24/2022)

Late Service Bulletin (4/24/2022)
