2017 Middle School Mission Trip - Heifer Ranch
What: 2017 Middle school Mission Trip - Heifer Ranch in Perryville, AR
Who: Current 6th, 7th & 8th Graders
When: June 18-23
Cost: $350
Registration non-refundable deposit of $150 by Monday, April 3rd. We only have a certain amount of spots available! First come first serve!
HEIFER RANCH is a 1,200 acre working ranch and hands-on learning center in Perryville, AR providing education that promotes sustainable solutions to global hunger, poverty and environmental concerns.
Through experiential learning, team building and service activities, the week will allow us to think about and experience some of the solutions and work on ways to apply them to our lives and world.
Training Time - We will get together on Sunday, May 21st from 12:00-2:00 pm as a team for info, training and team building activities!
Mission Trips Celebration - After our summer mission trips, we will once again share about our experiences at the Mission Trips Celebration. We will invite our church, as well as any family & friends, to join us for pictures, stories, worship and more from our weeks of service. You are expected to be present for this on Sunday, August 13th in McWhirter Hall during Sunday School, and might also be asked to write a reflection, bring food or help in other ways.