Youth Ministries
We are so grateful to be back in person mostly these days! Our 7th-12th graders meet in for Sunday School from 9:30 -10:45 a.m. in the youth area and breakfast is provided! We also have a virtual option for Sunday School from 10:45. The link stays the same and is sent out in our newsletter. Reach out to Emily if you don't have it.
Small groups are back at the church from 5 - 7 p.m. from August-April. We eat dinner (bring $5), play games and discuss our faith journeys plus more! Come join us!
The Youth Ministry at West End seeks to live intentionally into our vision, and we work to hold ourselves & each other accountable to who God is calling us to be & how God is calling us to live. Two questions guide us in this direction.
- What will our community look like if we embrace our vision fully, and seek to be the connect & transforming "Loving Light of Christ" in this time and place?
What changes will be required in our individual & communal lives to make this a reality?
We want to be connected with God, our church, our community and world. We desire transformation in our own lives, with our church and community, and throughout the world. We invite you to be a part of this journey with us.

Youth - Small Groups

Youth - Small Groups

Youth - Small Groups

Youth - W.E. Serve 2025

Emily Robbins