West End United Methodist Church

Thunder Chickens Basketball is back for another season!  

Our basketball league will begin in December - and we want to have THREE teams! The season runs from December through the beginning of March. 

Coach Turner Johnson and Coach Jack Ferrara are both coming back as your COACH!  We are hopeful to have a couple parents to help us have TWO teams this year, guys 7th-9th grade and 10-12th grade. The cost for each player is $75.   You will hear soon from your coaches!

Coach Molly Borneman and Coach Elizabeth Saum are starting our 7th-12th grade girls' team!  Woohoo! The cost is $75 per player.

If you would like to be a 2023-2024 Thunder Chicken, please register below. Have any questions - reach out to Emily or Molly!  erobbins@westendumc.org!

Unfortunately, the form is not active at this time.