West End United Methodist Church

30 Hour Famine - 2020

The 30 Hour Famine (30HF) is back and this year we are raising money and awareness for two ministries by fasting for thirty hours!!! The first ministry is The Little Pantry That Could. The second ministry is World Vision, to help bring food and clean water to starving children around the world!

Registration below... as soon as you sign up we will get you a packet so you can begin fundraising!


Imagine something that seems impossible. Imagine something that could only happen with God … 

a world of abundance, where there’s enough for all

Where there’s enough food. And no kids have to go hungry. 

Enough respect. And every human life is valued. 

Enough love. And we all believe in each other’s potential. 

It’s hard to fathom. None of us have seen that world yet. But take a little creativity and belief … and you can begin to imagine it. And if you can believe in enough for all, you can begin to walk alongside those who are hungry. What if the first step is as simple as going without food for 30 hours so others can have enough to eat? 

Enough for all may seem impossible to us. But nothing is impossible for God."

Parents and adults, 
We are so excited to have you help us!  There are many ways for you to be involved to learn with us and to get to know our youth even better!  Please read over the brief descriptions and then fill out the Parent Volunteer Form.  Thank you for your support of the 2020 30 Hour Famine.

  • Friday and Saturday Chaperone – come join us for the weekend!  You don’t have to fast for 30 Hours if you would rather not – but I would like to have 2 or 3 adults who commit to participating with the youth for our daytime activities. I promise this weekend will change you!  You will plug in for all the ways that we need throughout the weekend – transportation, service projects, paperwork, juicing, etc.  
  • Juicing Leadership – leadership before and during the 30HF – someone who will help our youth juicing team.  We need juicing fruit donations, juicers, cutting boards, knives, cups and bottles of juice.
  • Friday Evening – 5:30-7:00 pm – Help with paperwork, money counting, organizing donations and more!  
  • Host Homes – Friday night – host a group of our youth for the night! They need a ride at 9:00 pm to your house, a place to sleep, juice in the morning and need to be returned in the morning around 8:45 am. 
  • Service Projects – 9:00-3:00. – Help us get to and from our service projects and work with them!
  • Saturday Night BREAKING OF THE FAST Meal – A team of adults are needed to prepare, serve and clean up our meal together.


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