Created By God Weekend 2017
- Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Parent Info Session - Room 406
- Friday, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Student Session - Room 405
- Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Student Session - Room 406
- Saturday, 12 - 12:45 p.m. - Lunch - Students and Parents, Room 406; Siblings, Room 408
- Saturday, 12:45 to 2 p.m. - Parent and Student Session - Room 405
Why participate in Created by God?
Created by God is a human sexuality workshop designed specifically for 5th & 6th grade students by the United Methodist Church. This seminar offers both you and your student the opportunity to learn, grow, and celebrate the fact that all of us have been wonderfully created by God and are called to responsible living as sexual beings.
As you know, young persons the age of your student are growing physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially at a rapid pace, often in ways they don’t understand. This seminar provides an arena for your student to gain accurate information and proper terminology about their sexuality. It also provides an opportunity where young persons can better understand how their sexuality fits into God’s plan for human relationships.
Participation in Created by God helps you and your student to better communicate about sexuality and other life issues now and in the future.
Our facilitator for the weekend is Rev. Dr. Leigh Meekins. Dr. Meekins is the editor of the Older Elementary Children’s Resources for the United Methodist Publishing House. She has facilitated Created by God workshops for many years. Dr. Meekins has served in the area of Children’s Ministry for more than 20 years in the local church and Annual Conferences.
Helpful Information
- The cost is $10. Scholarships available by request. No refunds for cancellation.
- Registration deadline is February 15, 2017 or register online. At least 8 students needed for seminar to take place.
- Childcare available for younger siblings and/or 5th & 6th graders on Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon. Please indicate childcare needs on the registration form.
- A parent or adult sponsor must attend all Parent Sessions, in order for your student to participate, even if you have a student who has previously participated in this seminar.
- Due to the sensitive nature of the topic and the need to build trust and comfort among the participants, all students must attend the student sessions in their entirety.
If you have questions regarding this seminar, please contact Becky Peeler, Minister of Children (