West End United Methodist Church

Daffodil Day

As we ponder the meaning of Lent, we have the opportunity to live out the vision and mission of West End by taking a vase of daffodils to our homebound members.  Please mark your calendars for Daffodil Day at West End on Sunday, March 18. On this day we will arrange daffodils and ready them to be delivered to homebound.

There are several ways you can be involved in this caring ministry:

  • Donate daffodils, bud vases, and ribbon for the arrangements 
  • Help put the arrangements together on Sunday morning, March 18 during the Sunday School hour in the Gym
  • Assist in distributing the arrangements (names and addresses of recipients will be provided)
  • Pray for this ministry

The recipients of previous year’s daffodils expressed much appreciation for this meaningful gesture of love and connection among us. Please prayerfully consider participating in this ministry, and notify Fern Richie at fernrichie@gmail.com or 615.351.1665 of your willingness to assist. 

Daffodils, and the faces and hands of those who deliver them, symbolize the loving light of Christ, connecting, transforming….