Journey to Bethlehem
There is no one single Journey to Bethlehem; there are many journeys, along many roads. The reason we journey to Bethlehem every year during the season of Advent is to remember the heart of the story: Our Savior and God’s Son, Jesus was born!
Your family is invited to join the Journey to Bethlehem this Advent season on Sunday, December 4 at 12:15 p.m. in McWhirter Hall following the late worship service to experience the Christmas story. Everyone will start by enjoying a delicious lunch; then, you will hear the Christmas story broken down into the multiple scenes that make up this familiar story. Children will be grouped with adult leaders who will help them discover the characters and what happens in each scene, and they will have an opportunity to interpret their scene in creative ways. Each individual scene will be filmed and used to create a mini film that will be played before the Family Christmas Eve service in the 4th Story Theater while the children dress in their costumes and wait to process into the service.
Children ages 3 (if potty trained) through grade 5 are invited to participate. RSVP for lunch, register for the event and volunteer below. Adult facilitators are needed to help lead the small group sessions. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Monty Wilson at