West End United Methodist Church

Junior High Mission Trip 2016

What: 2016 Jr High Mission Trip - Center for Student Mission in Nashville, TN

Who: Current 6th-7th graders

When: June 5 - 10 

Cost: $350
Registration: Non-refundable deposit of $100 by Monday, April 11. We only have a certain amount of spots available!  First come first serve!
Center for Student Mission (CSM) allows teenagers to be a part of an effective urban ministry experience that transforms lives, influences churches and communities, and honors Christ. 
We are serving in our own backyard this summer!  With CSM we will experience the city of Nashville. We live in the city - experiencing firsthand the sights, sounds, smells, and texture of urban life. Housing is located in the heart of the city and we will eat at local ethnic restaurants. We learn about the city - unique issues and problems that city dwellers face and what God is doing in the city, through the indigenous organizations that operate on the front lines of urban ministry. We become part of the solutions for the city - by offering our time, energy and sweat. We will serve in a variety of hands-on ministry opportunities, ensuring that our time in the city is spent supplying substantive help to God’s people in the city. 

Training Time
We will offer two training times for our mission trips and you are expected to attend one. This will be a time to connect as a team, prepare for the specific work we’ll be doing and the environment in which we will serve, and discuss our hopes and motivations for participating in this experience. The dates are Tuesday, April 26  and Thursday, May 12, both from 5:30-8 p.m., please indicate which time you would like to attend by marking your choice on the registration form.

Mission Trips Celebration
After our summer mission trips, we will once again share about our experiences at the Mission Trips Celebration. We will invite our church, as well as any family and friends, to join us for pictures, stories, worship and more from our weeks of service. You are expected to be present for this, August 7 in McWhirter Hall during Sunday School, and might also be asked to write a reflection, bring food or help in other ways.


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