Project Thrive - Present Conversations
As you may remember, West End is participating with eighteen other churches in the urban core of Nashville in a program called Project Thrive. Over the winter many of you participated in the “Past Conversation,” sharing what drew you to West End and what keeps you connected. The next step in our Project Thrive journey is here, and our PT Team would like to invite you to participate in a conversation about who we are in this present moment. We will be exploring the demographics of our congregation (“looking in the mirror”) and of our community (“looking out the window”) to see how our unique gifts as a congregation can be used to help our community flourish.
We need your input! Please join in one of these conversations listed below. You can attend in person or over Zoom!
Sign up for Saturday, May 15, 8:30-10:00 a.m. below,
or click here to sign up for Wednesday, May 12, 6:00-7:30 p.m.