West End United Methodist Church

The Quiet Place

The Quiet Place is a ministry of the church that serves as an outreach program for the local unhoused community. This ministry allows us to give our neighbors in homelessness the dignity of a place (our lower level) to use the bathroom, use the phone, cool off in the summer, warm up in the winter, and, maybe most importantly, a listening ear.  It gives us a chance to live into our motto that God loves everyone unconditionally.

It was put into place specifically with the preschool, another vital ministry of the church in our community, in mind.  As a church in the downtown area, it is common for the front desk to receive visitors looking for help with bus passes, restroom needs, relief from the elements, etc.  By creating The Quiet Place, these visitors can now receive these services in a supervised environment on our lower level accessed by a separate entrance than the one used by the preschool.