West End United Methodist Church

Advent Wreath Making at Home

We’re doing things a little differently this year for our West End tradition of making Advent Wreaths.  We won’t be making them together in person, but you can still make one at home! Sign up to receive a take home kit with all the supplies: wreath form, green wrap, ribbons, candles, etc. you need to make your advent wreath for the year at home.  The only thing the kit will not include is greenery, but we encourage you to find some in your own yard if you can! The kit will include an advent devotion written by members of WEUMC staff for the lighting of the candles each week to celebrate this season of waiting and hope with your family.

Pick up will be on the first Sunday of Advent, November 29, at 4:00-5:15pm.  We'll have a table set up under the porte cochere. 


We are limited to 1 kit per household.


Please register for your kit by November 20 at noon.


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